Chairmans Report
Gemini Musical Theatre Company
AGM July 12th, 2016
Chair’s Report
This year we embarked on a new adventure for the society - a new name, a new direction.
The sadness of the loss of long standing member, Rosemary focused our minds on the future of the society and the aging membership; we needed to try to attract new members. To this end the website was revamped, thank you to Louise and Dave for their help in making it a much easier site to navigate. We put posters in the bus station, Liz put articles in the local press to try to attract new members, and Glynis hosted a coffee morning all of which has resulted in some new and valuable members. We have also welcomed Margaret Mitchell into our group, who brings her considerable marketing skills to help promote the society and attract both members and sponsorship.
Initially it has been hard to come to terms with losing WLO as our identity but I believe we did the right thing and the Gemini Musical Theatre Company seems to have resurged with new vigour and focus, culminating in the wonderful ‘Musical Magic’ show which was so well received by everyone who watched in and put us back on the map.
My term as Chair has sometimes been difficult and stressful, but I hope most people have not been disappointed with my attempts to move the society onwards and upwards. We come to sing and enjoy ourselves and produce quality productions that people will enjoy, and hopefully Gemini will continue to be a wonderful society to belong to for decades to come!
Finally I would like to say thank you to everyone who has helped me over the past three years, I could not have done it without you. I feel fortunate to know such kind and supportive friends, and look forward to the next year and other exciting productions.
Janet Mason (Chair)
AGM July 12th, 2016
Chair’s Report
This year we embarked on a new adventure for the society - a new name, a new direction.
The sadness of the loss of long standing member, Rosemary focused our minds on the future of the society and the aging membership; we needed to try to attract new members. To this end the website was revamped, thank you to Louise and Dave for their help in making it a much easier site to navigate. We put posters in the bus station, Liz put articles in the local press to try to attract new members, and Glynis hosted a coffee morning all of which has resulted in some new and valuable members. We have also welcomed Margaret Mitchell into our group, who brings her considerable marketing skills to help promote the society and attract both members and sponsorship.
Initially it has been hard to come to terms with losing WLO as our identity but I believe we did the right thing and the Gemini Musical Theatre Company seems to have resurged with new vigour and focus, culminating in the wonderful ‘Musical Magic’ show which was so well received by everyone who watched in and put us back on the map.
My term as Chair has sometimes been difficult and stressful, but I hope most people have not been disappointed with my attempts to move the society onwards and upwards. We come to sing and enjoy ourselves and produce quality productions that people will enjoy, and hopefully Gemini will continue to be a wonderful society to belong to for decades to come!
Finally I would like to say thank you to everyone who has helped me over the past three years, I could not have done it without you. I feel fortunate to know such kind and supportive friends, and look forward to the next year and other exciting productions.
Janet Mason (Chair)